Michelle Blade

Michelle Blade (b. 1981 Los Angeles, CA) is a visual artist working in painting, sculpture, installation and illustration. Taking note of her most intimate and immediate surroundings, Blade’s recent paintings depict scenes from quotidian life in a dreamy, ethereal light—drawing from the theories and visual vernacular of Transcendentalism, Magical Realism, and Romanticism. Working in acrylic ink, she applies several layers, allowing the nature of the water-based medium to inform the abstracted outcome of her paintings.

Blade's work has been shown nationally and internationally, including exhibitions at the Center for Contemporary Arts; Santa Fe, The Bonnefantenmuseum; Netherlands, Loyal Gallery, Stockholm; Jack Hanley Gallery; NY, Southern Exposure; San Francisco, Western Exhibitions; Chicago, Roberts & Tilton; LA and The Torrance Art Museum, among others. Her work has been featured in The New York Times Magazine, The LA Times, The Paris Review, Juxtapoz, The California Sunday Magazine, and Art Maze Mag. Blade holds a BA from Loyola Marymount and an MFA from the California College of the Arts, San Francisco. She currently lives and works in LA.